The term organization sometimes comes with a vision of a pristine house with bare surfaces and cute containers that have everything just so. While I appreciate the vision, the perfectionism it implies exhausts me.
Having said that, essential organization is important if you want to use your energy to its best effect and encounter minimal resistance during your day. I've started asking myself the question "how can I support myself in doing X". This is basic stuff and it always starts with making sure I do the things that will ensure mental clarity throughout the day.
I've been dealing with some challenges lately that could derail me if I let them. I woke up in a bad mood which right then made me want to pull the covers over my head and delay my day. However, I had already supported myself to counter act this. I set my alarm so I would wake up slowly (3 alarms a half hour apart) and had my glass of water on the night stand ready. From there it was me just going through my routine--all steps in someway designed to ensure my mind would be operating at whatever level it was able to today--despite impending stress.
Oh, it was quite a mental carnival this morning. I tried to talk myself out of making my lunch and just reading the news but all the ingredients were available so it was easy to do. Once I had that in place I did a short strength routine, dressed and was out the door on time.
Keep in mind I wanted to talk myself into staying home. I wanted to do some other impulsive, not productive things on top of that. I wanted to give someone a piece of my mind. Miss Keri said she could hear me grousing which is a sign that I'm irritated.
Here's my point. Because I had a few small things organized and ready I was able to do all the things that gets my mind sorted out and available. I can think of plenty of times in the past when I wasn't prepared and had to white knuckle it through my day. When I recognize that my emotional or mental reserves are low, its imperative to have simple, easy to follow rituals that make sure I am doing the best I am able to on any given day.
Here is my go to list for making sure I'm fully supported:
* gentle wake up--I set the alarm so I get 7 hours of sleep a night--the last hour I start waking up with soft alarms set at half hour intervals.
* I drink water in the morning--I drink a full glass before my feet hit the floor. You lose hydration as you sleep--this makes sure your levels are back up as soon as possible
* I have a small breakfast right after I get up--I shake up Vega One and chia seeds and it goes down the hatch. Like water, your body is also using energy in your sleep. A small meal restores your glucose levels which are necessary for proper brain function.
* I make sure I have coffee in the house so I can have a cup after meditation. A little caffeine is good for bringing systems on line.
* I shop before the week starts so I have ingredients for lunch and snacks handy--I make sure there is a container of cooked quinoa in the fridge which I mix with a combination of sweet potatoes, dried fruit and kale or roasted broccoli--this is my lunch. I keep greek yogurt and fruit on hand for mid morning and afternoon snacks. Also, I keep a box of Luna Bars in my desk and another container of Vega One in case my day goes long or I get over taxed and need a boost.
* I drink herbal tea to stay hydrated--I make sure I have my favorites at my desk and drink several cups a day. I drink water too but I prefer a hot beverage.
* I clear things off the counter when I get home and make sure the dishes are in the dishwasher. Its draining to see piles of stuff everywhere--it takes 15 minutes to get the counters in shape if I'm on top of it. The rest I leave for the housekeeper who comes every two weeks. The house isn't pristine but its good enough for guests.
* I have my daily carry sorted out--this includes my reading glasses, company badge, pocket knife, car keys and cell phone. I have all of these in the chest of drawers near the exit. Having these in place is one last thing to tax my resources when I'm trying to leave.
My evenings I consider myself to mostly be "off the leash" so I relax--I require very little in the way of organization to do this. However if I want to start up a project that requires my energy and attention I employ a ritual to make the transition smooth--this is especially important if my day at work has been stressful.
None of these are big ticket items to keep going. I don't think Martha Stewart magazine will be dropping by to do a photo op anytime soon but that level of order makes me tired to contemplate which is counter productive. The goal is to facilitate flow.
Do you have any rituals in place that make your day go smoothly? Please share in the comments.
Well, I am happy to report that I, too, LOVE organized spaces where I can find things even in the dark - where everything has a home to be put away and (I HATE PILES O' CRAP!) for the last 5 months I have been battling getting organized in my room after moving back to my house in Seattle. It has been a storage facility, with constant sorting areas from attic stuff and stuff sorted for goodwill. I just got two dressers in a week, having given my other two away (and regretting it) one free, the other $9.99!!! Now I am doing the pretty stuff and decorating my space to feel like ME. It feels GREAT!!!
ReplyDeleteAND... I like to wake, have coffee with cereal and fruit - if it is a work day I organize all my supplies the night before -ready to walk out the door, so I can enjoy the morning. If it is a meeting day, I have my outfit laid out to avoid the tryontenoutfits time waster, and then I feel good walking out the door. If it is a day I can stay home, I head out the door all caffeined up and get dirty in the garden...I LOVE MORNINGS!
ReplyDeleteOrganization is grist to my mill. But then again I am a bit OCD.