Friday, December 22, 2017

Ho ho ho headache

Forcing myself to write something everyday is making me look at my persistent thoughts. It's also making me look at what I want to exclude.

I woke up with a clanging headache. I tried to wash it away with a cup of tea but that promptly came up--since when does tea cause nausea?

Am I sick? Maybe. Or maybe I shouldn't combine hot chocolate with a hotdog and not have any other food for dinner.

Either way, I'm not operating at 100%.

We all went to see Last Jedi last night. A and Miss K both scrambled to get their last minute work requests done. I had the tickets. Despite the frenzy and the fact that the mall was full of shoppers, we found good parking and were seated even before the credits rolled.

I'm rolling into a week of time off. As mentioned before, my first blog was filled with complaining about work. Nothing new there so I'm moving along. I'm just happy to only have a task or two left before I can put this laptop away for a full week.

I took two Tylenol, a decongestant, and more black tea. No movement in my headache. I want to feel better so I can go to the store and buy some ingredients for my Mom's 94th birthday dinner. Honestly, now is the best time to do it AND the worst time because I feel like shit and don't want to face Whole Foods.

I'm going to do it anyway. If it's the most painful thing I do today, it will be over and I can just put a blanket over my head and pray for mercy from the headache gods.

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