At 2AM last night I ended up in the ER. I couldn't move my head and I couldn't escape my pain no matter what position I tried.
I knew the ER docs couldn't do anything but I was in so much pain I needed to check this one thing off my list--see professional to prove I'm not dying.
They sent me home with pills (I already knew would make me nauseous) and the highly original advice to move as little as possible.
In the meantime I'm thinking "I am behind on my pull-up workout". That and working on all my other physical challenges because its hard to do anything when you can't move your head.
Setbacks are setbacks. They happen--and with older warriors like myself, the bounce back time is somewhat elongated. Many (MANY) times in the past I would have given in to the temptation to just throw in the towel and indulge in the story of "see, I CAN'T do this stuff--look at what happens".
Repeat. Setbacks happen FOR EVERYONE. The question is, how do you handle them?
In yoga there is a pose called Savasana (corpse pose). It is my favorite pose. You simply lie still on the floor with your arms slightly out from your side and breath.
How is this part of the process? Growth and change have their own timelines. I can trace how I'm feeling back to my workout where too much weight on my dead-lift irritated my shoulder. The shoulder got inflamed. I got on an airplane and folded myself origami style so I could write to pass the time. A few more days of inflammation and then another origami plane ride resulting in the pain traveling to my neck, getting worse until I was in the ER. And now I am still, letting my body reset and rest. Offering it kindness.
Setbacks are an opportunity to look at how you are approaching your goal and to build in ways to cope when things seem like they are at a full stop/throw in the towel point.
Making a miracle happen either with your body or some other project is more holistic than engaging in relentless forward motion. Handling setbacks is just as important as the plan for progress.
In my mind and heart I am still moving towards the things I want. Today, the fastest way forward is propped up on pillows drinking turmeric tea and staying very still.
Got a gruesome setback going? I'd love to hear about it! Leave a comment below.
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