Quitting without a plan was a ballsy thing to do. I had just finished a job and had nothing certain on the horizon. But we had some money--enough to get us through a couple of months. Despite the risk, we both decided to let go of the trapezes we were holding onto and reach for the one we had to believe was swinging toward us.
This is one of the things you can do in marriage. Take risks for each other.
This is the longest, mostly uninterrupted period of time we have been in each others' presence with out the distraction of jobs or anywhere specific to be. I remember when my father retired from his career as a programmer and all of a sudden was home all the time. My mother cherishes solitude so this was hard for her. I too cherish solitude so it took some adjustments to be at home with Keri so much.
But after I got over my internal monolog about "my routine" and "my space" being disrupted by another being, my vision cleared a bit.
When Keri and I got together I had an intention for my life. I wanted a life partner or no one at all. I didn't want a "wait and see" if this works out relationship and I didn't want an affair. I wanted one last try at having someone to link arms with through life.
Luckily that's what Keri wanted too. And what a good thing that resolve turned out to be.
Before we even got through our initial relationship blush, Keri's mother was diagnosed with cancer. Not long after that my own mother announced to me she was losing her eyesight.
Our original plan was for Keri to move to San Diego and come live with me to start a life. What happened instead was that I chose to move back to San Jose and move in with my Mother until I could buy a house close by.
I would love to say my Mother was happy about this development. She was not!
Despite the fact that I was a grown woman with a career, moving back in proved just how quickly relationships can regress--once again I was the naughty teenager sneaking out to partake of the forbidden fruit, Mom was the stern authority figure and Keri was in the terrible position of being my luscious apple of temptation.
Living at home wasn't working out--stress from that and my job led to me not being able to sleep at night. I knew I needed a big change to my situation and decided to start looking for a house to buy. High prices be damned, I was so desperate to get out I was willing to buy an expensive closet if it meant some personal peace.
Keri helped me look and held back commentary with my unrealistic budget (I was $100K under the market in what I was willing and able to spend). I was happily oblivious to my lack of realism! Action, no matter how futile, felt like progress! I had direction!
Keri hinted around buying with me but I wasn't willing to go there--too many of my friends bought houses together and then split up. As I watched huge legal and financial volcanoes explode for both parties I repeated the mantra "keep it simple". Keeping it simple meant going it alone on buying a home.
In the meantime, Keri's mother went through peaks and valleys with her health, I found a different job closer to where we lived (but just as horrible) and I simply grew a thick skin for criticism and sarcasm at home. Things were going ok. I felt a shaky, grumpy kind of control in my life. Not exactly happy but I could manage.
Living with Mom, having my new relationship close by, and Keri's mother's frail health threw all the complications of human connection in my face. Love (love of Keri, love of my mother, love of my new family) wasn't making my life simpler.
Alone was so simple. My apartment in San Diego, empty and a temple to my sovereignty seemed a distant past. Faced with my current life I didn't remember the loneliness of that time at all--I only remembered my couch where I could have solitary cups of coffee and the easel next to it where I did pastel portraits out of my copy of Crazy Sexy Cool. But these thoughts reminded me of the $300 phone bills I racked up because I couldn't keep myself from the treasured evening phone calls with Keri or how I stocked my cabinets with the foods she liked for the first time she flew down for a weekend visit or how I ducked under the ropes at the airport to meet her on the gangway as she came off the plane.
So much for my fantasies of ideal isolation.
On a June morning, laying alone in my room a still small voice said "why not buy a house with Keri?" All the reason and sensible thinking about simplicity and solitude fell away. The sky was clear and blue and I felt the world open up inside me.
I called Keri immediately. That evening we met with a lender.
In the coming months many things happened. We looked at house after house. All the ones we could afford were shitty cracker boxes. I flopped along in Keri's energetic wake. Refusing to be overcome by my despair of finding something she made every appointment, kept the communications with the realtor and lender alive and pushed us forward. It was an evening ritual that we capped with visits to Starbucks or late dinners at the all night diner.
While all this went on, Keri's mother's health degenerated. The cancer was behind her but she became unexpectedly ill and entered the hospital again. After a couple of weeks, eventually sending her to intensive care, she passed away in the night with us surrounding her bed singing her to the afterlife. I returned to my own home at dawn to change my clothes to support Keri's family while they made funeral arrangements.
I would like to say my Mother was sympathetic and supportive, but her own anxieties were at a fever pitch (tragedy doesn't always bring out the best in us). On the day of the funeral, Mom ordered me to sit with her at the back of the church far away from the family--the place she expected me to occupy as a child and now as an adult. People bustled in semi-quiet between the chapel and the viewing room. I asked my friends to steer Keri away from all the little propaganda posters in the hallway speaking of "real marriage" and the threat people like Keri and I were posing to their vision of normalcy and dominance.
As people filed into the chapel, Mom looked at me with stern expectation. My heart twisted hard ("not now" was all I could think). With a deep breath, I sat Mom with my friends and walked to the front and sat in the front pew next to Keri--the position of spouse.
Keri was a beacon of strength and composure all that day but I knew she was tired in every conceivable way.
In the aftermath, I was certain Keri would want to put looking for the house on hold to rest and mourn.
The real truth was that I wanted to rest and mourn. Keri wanted to move forward with her life. A couple months after the funeral we were putting offers on houses. Early in the new year we started the process of moving in to our first (and current) home.
In the thirteen years we have lived here we have never undertaken the massive home love and care ceremony that we have since we have been reaching for the next trapeze. I've learned somethings about myself as a homeowner and as a spouse.
I always looked at the house as being a temple of my own individuality--a place where no one "can tell me what to do, have or be". Sharing the space with another person as invested in it as myself really challenged that ideal. My original thoughts about buying a home were really all about me. But my home didn't happen until I opened my heart to it being about an Us.
Over the years we have both attempted to be the guiding voice in our home aesthetic and design principles without much luck on either front. In the decluttering exercise Keri and I recently undertook (and that is ongoing) we transitioned away from the thinking of just making the house more organized and usable to being a place of harmony, peace and regeneration for BOTH of us--a place to support our mutual goals and desires.
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Us--Miracle Hunting Jan 22, 2014 |
As I look into Keri's face I see the qualities I fell in love with over and over again--compassion, strength and solidity--the stone in the river smoothed with time, changing the direction of things by her unadorned presence. The same stone I can cling to, mark my position by, and to rest upon. I don't have to do everything alone anymore--I have someone whose intelligence, kindness and strength I can rely on. I have someone to make a home with.
That's a pretty worthy risk to take.
Your honesty and your story touches me so! It's like your time with Keri is an unfolding revelation. The last paragraph is magic.