Wednesday, March 27, 2013

NaPoWriMo--I'm in!

NaPoWriMo equals National Poetry Writing Month!

I'm easily led. My interwebs friend Lydia Swartz turned me onto this through the all mighty FaceBook. The mission is simple. A poem a day for 30 days starting on April Fools Day (so poetic)--you can post them on line or not...entirely up to you. This is about as non competitive as they come.

I tried to do NaNoWriMo one year and realized I'm such a slow, terse writer that I was killing myself to do the daily requirement. I think I can commit to a poem.

Join me...or don't! I'll be posting my offerings here daily starting next Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! You can do this! Stay strong, write swiftly, and don't forget to reward yourself every now and again. Write on! :^)
