Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Everyday really is something

I haven't updated this journal since 2015.

I'm starting it up again.

I started the Everyday Something blog with the intention of writing "something" everyday. I have a blog for my coaching business, but I realized I really missed the immediacy and rawness of this blog.

I don't have to make this blog mean anything or be significant--I just love to write about what I'm noticing.

A story I frequently tell is how I started blogging in 2006 on Livejournal. A few years after starting that blog I took it down. When I reviewed the output I was surprised to learn I had written over a thousand pages--mostly centering on the hatred of my job, my dissatisfaction with my body, and random crap.

Sound harsh? Maybe a little, but the majority of it was exactly that. Mind loops.

And that's just it. I get stuck in mind loops and a lot of it is complaining.

Here is something that isn't a complaint. It rained last night.

Stepping onto the back porch, I enjoyed the earthy smell of wet wood chips and fallen leaves. My brother turned 66 yesterday and my Mother will turn 94 on Saturday. Another Christmas and another New Year on the way.

Here is something else. I will always love drinking hot coffee first thing in the morning more than meditating.

Also, I love shattering productive habits so I can look at life with fresh eyes. Virtuous routines are the bowling pins I aim at when I need to have new thoughts.

I'm literally shirking other responsibilities to put these words down. And I love that.

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