Hey all, this is just a quick update so I'll keep it short.
In case you were wondering I did end up feeling well enough to make dinner. Thanks to some pre-planning and making the menu something more sane and manageable I was able to both respect the needs of my body AND make a really nice dinner for my family. Everyone had a great time--we all ate far too much and ended up digesting on the couch watching a Judy Garland movie. Nobody seemed to notice that I cut 2 or 3 embellishments that 2 weeks ago were ESSENTIAL parts of the meal.
Take away--the embellishments were for me. I may pull them out some other time but they didn't make any sense or lend anything to the party in the context of now.
Today I'm resting again. I did say yesterday to my sister that I would come by and visit but today I realize that I just didn't want to interact with anyone. I'm tired. After the big show I need to relax--it's far more relaxing and rejuvenating for me to putter around the house (yes even after being cooped up for a week) than to spend time with my family.
Do I feel bad about this? No. I might have felt bad at one time because if your relatives are only in town every so often you should suck it up and be social? I want to know who made that rule up...and if I went over there when I really want to retreat who would be served by that. Not me. And really no one else because I would be trying to figure out how I could escape back home the entire time.
I may go over tomorrow if I feel like it but for now I'm comfortable doing another day of semi solitary partial confinement (after being inside for so many days I think a short walk would be nice).
So I ask you dear reader--who are you making happy by making yourself less happy right now?
If you are working on your own 100 Days of Kindness project please let me know how you're doing by leaving a comment.
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